Cayla Toomey

Cayla Toomey couldn’t remember her wedding day. Not because she was caught up in the moment, or because it was a whirlwind day. She doesn’t remember her wedding because she was barely conscious, and her family thought she was breathing some of her last breaths.
On April 9, 2020, Cayla first visited the hospital with severe headaches, and was sent for an MRI. A brain tumor, the size of a peach, was found behind her right eye. After spending time in the hospital, the tumor was being managed and Cayla was doing well. Until May 26, when Cayla was, again, admitted to the hospital. On May 27, her daughter and soon-to-be husband were notified that she may not make it through the night.
With a wedding date set for September 5, 2020, Cayla’s fiancé (now husband) Tim knew that if he wanted to marry his best friend, he would have to do so quickly. The hospital staff decorated Cayla’s room, and on May 27, Cayla and Tim said “I do.”
Though Cayla made it through the night, she continued to fight every day. Her fight was made easier knowing that she could be surrounded by her loved ones each day.
“Cancer scared me, but the thought of needing treatment outside of Cape Breton was too much to bear,” said Cayla. “Thankfully I was told that I’m able to receive treatment at the Cape Breton Cancer Centre.”
On Radio Day, Cayla was able to say a personal thank to the donors of the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation for their generosity. On March 17, 2021, Cayla sadly passed away from her cancer. The Foundation holds her memory close and thanks her for sharing her personal story with a goal of helping support healthcare here at home.