Host an Event or Fundraiser
The Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation is proud to be supported by many leaders and fundraisers in our community, all of whom are dedicated to and passionate about helping strengthen health care in Cape Breton.
These community-led fundraisers are a true testament to ‘power in numbers,’ and what we can accomplish when we rally and unite for a cause that touches us all: health care. Annually, more than 80 fundraisers are held in support of the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation, raising more than $700,000 to help our friends, families, and neighbours, when they need it most.
If you are interested in joining our community of fundraisers by hosting your own event or initiative, we’re here to support! Contact Máire Neville at 902-567-2772 or to learn more.

Dena Edwards Wadden
After being diagnosed with ovarian cancer at 33 years old, Dena Edwards Wadden felt motivated to give back to others in similar situations. She worked to launch Teal to Heal, a walk/run, in support of ovarian and other gynecological cancers. To-date the event has raised nearly $300,000 for those who need it most in our community. Funds raised will help cover travelling costs for specialist appointments, childcare during treatment, psycho-social support programming such as psychologist visits, medication support, respite care, and more.

Sawyer + Sunny Maternity & Baby Boutique
Sawyer + Sunny Maternity & Baby Boutique held fundraisers to purchase a Halo Bassinet for the Mom and Baby Unit at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital. Donating a portion of proceeds from sales of items like sleepers, hats, and more, Sawyer + Sunny has given the gift of accessibility to new parents. This adjustable bassinet helps new parents, especially those recovering from C-sections or in a wheelchair, access to their babies without getting out of bed.

Lucas Howley
After Lucas Howley’s mom received a cancer diagnosis, he was motivated to give back. He made and sold bracelets at school and was able to donate $205.95 to the Tom MacNeil Cancer Patient Care Fund, helping 45-60 cancer patients each month.
Fundraising Ideas
We are continuously amazed by the creativity of our community members when hosting fundraisers. The list below outlines just a few of many ideas we have seen. When you are ready to host your own initiative, we are happy to support you in brainstorming ideas that make sense for you, your time commitment, and your audience.
- Washer toss tournaments
- Lemonade stands
- Yard sales
- Donating a portion of proceeds of an item or service
- Facebook birthday fundraisers
- Walk/run
- Floor hockey tournaments
- Tickets and raffle draws
- Golf tournaments
- Car wash
- Collecting donations at the door of your event
- Silent Auctions (online or in person)
- Social media challenges
Supporting Your Fundraising Efforts
When it comes to hosting fundraisers, we are incredibly grateful to have tremendous support from our community. We at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation are here to help you get started and make your own fundraiser a success! Though the event or initiative is ultimately the responsibility of the host, here are a few ways we can support your fundraising efforts:
- Connect your fundraiser with an area of care at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital that you are passionate about
- Offer advice on fundraising and event planning
- Provide a letter of support to validate the authenticity of your event or fundraiser
- Aid in the application for lottery licenses when applicable
- Provide pledge sheets
- Provide informative materials such as one-pagers, brochures, etcetera, educating your audience on the impact of their gifts
- Promoting your event or initiative on the Events Calendar of our website
- Provide and approve the use of the official Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation logo for your promotional materials
- Recognize your contributions through official Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation social media channels
- Issue tax receipts as per Canada Revenue Agency policies
- And more.
Ready to host your very own fundraiser, and have an impact on health care in Cape Breton? Contact Máire Neville at 902-567-2772 or