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Leaving a Gift in Your Will

Planning a gift in your will is a great way to leave a lasting impact, while utilizing your assets rather than your financial income. By working with your lawyer or financial advisor, you can plan to give a percentage of your estate to our Foundation, which will reduce or eliminate income taxes.  

To note, “estate” in your will includes all real estate, personal property, securities, and other assets.

A gift in your will, also known as a Bequest or Legacy Gift, is one of the simplest types of planned gifts. There are three types of Bequests or Legacy Gifts you can plan to give to the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation.

  1. Specific Bequest
    A gift of a particular piece of property (for example, art or shares in a company) or a stated sum of money. A Specific Bequest can be precisely identified and is simple to administer.
  2. Residuary Bequest
    A gift of all or a fraction of everything that remains (the ‘residue’) after all debts, taxes, administrative expenses, and specific bequests have been paid.
  3. Contingent Bequest
    A gift that takes effect contingent on the primary intention not being met. For example, if the primary beneficiary does not survive the donor, the gift will be donated to the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation.

If you’re ready to plan your legacy, please download our Bequest Commitment Form.

To learn more about planned giving to the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation, please contact Caitlyn MacDonald at 902-563-8585 or

Please note: As with any planned gift, the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation strongly advises that you speak with your legal advisor and/or financial planner to ensure your needs and the needs of your family are met.